Central America: An Introductory Lesson
Middle School and High School
By Pat Scallen, et al.
Students engaged in the lesson.
The immediate reasons for Central Americans crossing the U.S. border include high levels of poverty brought on by economic stagnation, political unrest, climate change, and violence. Many of these problems are rooted in centuries of structural economic inequality, state-sponsored oppression, and institutionalized racism.
This lesson is designed to introduce students to several of these concepts through brief biographical sketches of figures in twentieth and twenty-first century Central America. It then builds upon this knowledge in examining the role the United States has played in the affairs of these nations residing in what many U.S. presidents have considered our own backyard.
D.C. public school teachers engaged in the lesson.
Time Required
45-50 minutes
Students will emerge with a deeper understanding of the key concepts and themes that define modern Central American history, a more nuanced view of U.S. foreign policy in that history, and an appreciation of its impact on Latinx migration in recent years.
Copies of “Getting to Know Central America” questions
Mixer roles/bios, one per student
Name tags: Distribute blank name tags and have students write their character’s name or use the photo name tags included (use string to create hanging name tags or place in lanyard holders)
(Optional) Meet-and-greet role assignment template for remote instruction
Bios / Meet and Greet Roles
Col. Jacobo Árbenz Guzmán Irma Flaquer Azurdia
Otto Rene Castillo
Myrna Mack Chang
Rigoberta Menchú Tum
Gen. Efrain Rios Montt
Nora Murillo
Berta Isabel Cáceres Flores
Miriam Miranda
Fredi Onan Vicen Peña
United States
Jimmy Carter
Roberto Clemente
Charlie Clements
The Dulles Brothers
Andrés McKinley (also El Salvador)
Oliver North
Ronald Reagan
Robert White
El Salvador
Claribel Alegria (Also Nicaragua)
Prudencia Ayala
Roque Dalton
Major Roberto D’Aubuisson
Vicky Guzman
Yolanda del Carmen Marín
Agustín Farabundo Martí
Gen. Maximiliano Hernández Martínez
Andrés McKinley (also United States)
Archbishop Oscar Romero
Maria Serrano
Claribel Alegria (also El Salvador)
Gioconda Belli
Fr. Ernesto Cardenal
Violeta Barrios de Chamorro
Carlos Mejia Godoy
Daniel Ortega
Brooklyn Rivera
Anastasio Somoza Debayle
Augusto César Sandino
Dora Maria Téllez
Augusto Sandino
Rigoberta Menchu
Gioconda Belli
Gen. Somoza
The video clip below is provided to offer the teacher a sense of how the lesson looks in action. Teaching for Change curriculum specialist Julian Hipkins III is introducing the lesson to students at a high school in D.C. The school has a high percentage of Central American students. Following the lesson there are brief reflections from students. (Note that this was filmed with a handheld camera, so the production is a bit shaky.)
Remote and Online Learning
To support remote instruction, we have created a role assignment template for educators. This form digitally links to the lesson's role play biographies and allows instructors to assign students roles by entering each of their names into the left-hand column. Add or remove spaces to fit your classroom size. Note that instead of inserting the student names, you can also assign each student a number that corresponds to the respective bio. When you access the document (in Google docs), it will lead you to make a copy.